There are a variety of reasons parents and caregivers may consider changing their infant’s baby formula. If your little one suffers from gas, restlessness, being fussy, or has digestive issues there may be worry that the current baby formula is to blame.
Let’s take a look at some of the common symptoms in your baby that may cause families to consider making a change in formulas for their little ones.
During the first few months, many babies have a regular fussy period. The standard infant fussiness usually starts as a newborn and will peak around 6 weeks. You can expect these harder to console bouts to last an average of 2 to 4 hours per day, keeping in mind that each infant is unique so there is a wide variety of normal in these situations.
These times are completely normal and for some these periods come so regularly that parents can set their clocks by it. The best way to help alleviate these unpleasant times is by using comforting touches, reducing stimulation, and rhythmic motions.
Since every baby is unique, not one soothing technique will work every time. Here are some tried and true ideas:
Comforting Touch
- Hold baby
- Carry baby in a sling, wrap, or other soft carrier
- Lay baby across your lap & gently rub his back
- Lay baby tummy-down on the bed or floor and gently pat his back
Reduced Stimulation
- Swaddle baby
- Dim lights and reduce noise
Rhythmic Motion
- Rock baby
- Hold baby and gently bounce, sway back and forth or dance
- Put baby in a baby swing
- Take baby for a walk in the stroller
In most cases these fussy days will end around 4 to 5 months. The majority of the time a fussy baby doesn’t mean you need to change baby formula.
Digestive Worries
As your infant’s digestive systems begin to mature it is not uncommon for these little ones to struggle with tummy troubles. Immature systems like the pancreas, esophageal valve, stomach and intestine can be the cause of gastrointestinal symptoms such as gas, intolerance, and frequent spit-up.
With any digestive symptoms, the best place to start is with your pediatrician. Keep in mind, immediate attention may be required if your little one has mucus in their stool or more severe problems like vomiting.
Your child’s pediatrician will be the best to evaluate if your littles one’s digestive upset is normal growth and development, if they may benefit from special nutrition, or if your little one needs medical intervention.
Reasons to Switch Baby Formulas
After carefully taking into account how a baby’s ever changing needs can affect moods and pediatric consultation, your family has made the decision that switching to a new formula will be in the best interest of your little one.
Cow’s Milk Protein Allergy
The most common allergy found in infants is a cow’s milk protein allergy. It occurs when an infant’s immune system reacts negatively to the lactose found in baby formula. Your baby’s immune system then fights what it believes to be an intruder by releasing histamines.
Symptoms of cow’s milk allergy include digestive concerns that range from frequent spit-up to diarrhea, as well as body signals that include skin rashes, trouble breathing, and weezing. If you believe your baby has an allergy to cow’s milk protein, it is very important to consult with your pediatrician.
Baby formulas that can help relieve these symptoms will be specifically designed without the A1 beta-casein protein. These A2 milk-based baby formulas (including goat milk-based formulas) are proven to alleviate the discomfort, inflammation, and digestive worries that can come from A1 milk-based baby formulas.
Cow’s Milk Protein Intolerance
Involving the digestive system, milk intolerance occurs when an infant’s body does not make enough lactase, which is the enzyme needed to digest lactose. Instead of digesting normally in your little one’s stomach and small intestine, undigested lactose moves into the baby’s colon, where it’s broken down by bacteria and causes bloating and gas.
Cow’s milk intolerance can be uncomfortable for an infant, but it’s not dangerous and can be easily remedied with the right nutrition. Symptoms of cow’s milk intolerance include gas, spit up, colic like irritability, and slow weight gain.
Lactose intolerance is easily solved with a baby formula that contains hydrolyzed proteins. The split protein molecules in hydrolyzed baby formulas make it easier for a babies’ bodies to process and absorb the nutrients from milk-based formulas. We also recommend the addition of prebiotics and probiotics to further aid digestion.
Reflux or GERD
Infants are more prone to acid reflux because their esophagus and digestive tract may be weak or underdeveloped. Some of the most common signs of acid reflux in infants include spitting up, hiccups, and disturbed sleeping patterns.
Reflux symptoms are often relieved with a specialized formula that is slightly thickened to help to relieve symptoms of reflux.
You open the diaper at the changing table and notice another wet diaper, without a bowel movement. When it comes to constipation, your infant’s nutrition is often the key. An organic baby formula with a pre/probiotic combination will best serve your little one here.
How to Switch Baby Formulas
When switching formulas, it is always best to consult your little one’s doctor. It is important to keep in mind that switching baby formulas can lead to further digestive problems and may intensify ongoing symptoms that prompted the need for a new formula.
Avoid unwanted Ingredients
If your little one’s sleepless nights and crying moments have you concerned that your current formal option is not working for your little, there may be a better nutritional option.
GMOs, preservatives, synthetic ingredients, and non-lactose sugars are hard to break down and absorb for immature digestive systems, which can cause digestive and immune system troubles. When switching, look for clean, natural, and organic nutrition as close to breast milk as possible.
If you feel like your little one is having an issue with their current formula, it is always best to check with your baby’s pediatrician before making the switch. Choose a formula with the ingredients that will soothe your little one’s symptoms, is organically grown and sourced, and has all natural vitamins and minerals to support growing bodies and minds.
Finally, selecting an organic baby formula free of synthetic ingredients and unwanted additives will help give your little one the best nutrition without side effects from harsh ingredients.
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