1000mg vs 2000mg CBD Oil Drops, CBD Facts You Should Know

Updated on November 19, 2021

By now, you have probably already heard about CBD and the many health benefits it can have. Thanks to a number o recent discoveries, we now know that CBD oil can help alleviate symptoms such as anxiety, pain, and inflammation to name a few.

No matter what type of condition you need to treat, it is important to give yourself a correct dose of CBD if you want to start feeling the effects. But before we start discussing dosage, we need to first take a look at what CBD is and how it interacts with the human body. 

selective focus photography of person holding drop bottle

Image source: https://unsplash.com/photos/BtmopF7yNYg

What exactly is CBD

CBD is short for cannabidiol, which is one of the over 100 active compounds found in the cannabis plant. CBD does not have psychoactive effects, meaning you won’t enter a euphoric state by using it. 

The research we have access to by now reveals that CBD can help relieve a number of symptoms related to physical and mental health conditions such as schizophrenia, anxiety disorder, depression, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s and epilepsy. 

CBD helps by interacting with the human endocannabinoid system, which is responsible for regulating, amongst other functions, pain, sleep, mood and appetite, and helping natural cannabinoids in our body to better attach to the receptors. 

How much CBD should I take?

Some people who have tried CBD oil have reported they did not see any improvement regarding their condition. But it may be because they did not take the right dosage. The dosage is established based on a number of factors, including the illness you are treating, your body weight, the concentration of CBD in the product you are using and your overall body chemistry.

CBD or hemp oil drops usually come in packages of 500, 1000 and 2000 mg. 1000mg Hemp Oil Drops account for 0.5 ml per dosage, which delivers around 16.5 mg of CBD oil, which is the recommended serving size for the average person. 

A number of researches have been conducted to reveal the dosage recommendations for various illnesses. For example, for chronic pain, it is recommended to take between 2.5 and 20 mg of CBD oil, while for sleep disorders, a higher dose of 40-160mg is more likely to work. 

What happens if I take a smaller dose?

If you take a smaller dose of CBD, the results may take longer to appear, or not appear at all. This is one of the reasons some people say CBD did not help alleviate their symptoms. It is very important to check the label of the product you are using, to see if there are mentions of the product’s potency. Usually, the label should mention the amount of CBD per package, as well as per dose. Learn more about the benefits of microdosing cannabis.

Can I overdose from CBD?

There is no such thing as CBD overdose. In fact, a report on the side effects and safety of CBD shows that the human body can tolerate extremely high doses (1,500 mg per day) without any side effects. However, there have been a number of side effects including changes in weight and appetite, as well as fatigue, but it is believed they may be a reaction developed in combination with other factors.  

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It's important to note that the guidelines and advice offered in these reviews should not serve as substitutes for medical advice. Webminati Media advises consumers to consult their physician before taking any medication or if they have any doubts about a product, prioritizing their health and safety above all else.

1 thought on “1000mg vs 2000mg CBD Oil Drops, CBD Facts You Should Know”

  1. This article is about 1000mg vs 2000mg, but it only mentions 2000mg in ONE place in the article.

    Are you guys actually high?

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