4 Ways To Optimize Clinical Trial Recruitment

Updated on June 17, 2022
4 Ways To Optimize Clinical Trial Recruitment

Clinical trial patient recruitment companies use a variety of methods to select the best candidates. The type of community partnerships and patient participants you should seek will depend on the needs of your trial. The methods you use to recruit patients will help you target the demographic required. After all, targeting the right demographic to participate is an essential piece of ensuring your clinical trial is set up properly.

Technology has offered a variety of improvements on how you can reach patients and optimize clinical trial recruitment. Accelerate the level and quality of participants by learning how to utilize digital networking and strategic communication for your trial.

Have an Outreach Plan

Have an outreach plan for sharing information with patients about clinical trial openings. Consider social media platforms where there are high numbers of users. Network with patient organizations and advocates for digital collaboration opportunities.

Install Pre-Screening Tools

Reach the best candidates by providing pre-screening surveys for them to provide information like age and health conditions. This information can help you identify qualified candidates early in the process. A digitalized survey also provides insight into where potential candidates are active on social media.

Offer Easy-to-Follow Steps

Use advertising that provides easy-to-follow steps for interested candidates to understand what to do next. Establish a procedure where you or your recruitment team actively follow up with participants during the onboarding process to ensure they move forward.

Promote Future Recruitment

Use opted-in patient information to enable recruitment companies to share other clinical trial opportunities with candidates in the future. If you have a digital recruitment company, they likely have a database of patients that have participated or expressed interest in previous clinical trials.

Patient recruitment is a continuous challenge for the clinical trial process. The best way to minimize recruitment issues is by making the process accessible for potential candidates and promoting future clinical trial opportunities. Use any of these four methods for optimizing clinical trial recruitment to expand the reach of your study.