10 Fresh Ideas For Your Newsletter

Updated on November 9, 2021

Photo credit: Depositphotos

Do you know that newsletters boast a 4,200% ROI? Anyway, it works only if you choose the right strategy and topics. However, it can be a challenge to keep coming up with interesting, funny, and worthy newsletter content each week/month. In this article, you’ll find 10 fresh email marketing ideas to use and keep the subscribers engaged and grateful.

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What Is a Newsletter?

Let’s start with the definition of what a newsletter is. So, it’s emails that businesses send to the people who subscribed to let them know about any changes, news, updates, and so on. However, you should also be ready that building a newsletter is a little more complicated and a longer task than its definition.

You need to plan the scratch, think about the topics, design, and many more nuances to consider. Yet, thanks to such tools as Crello, you can create designs of your newsletters just in a few clicks by choosing the free templates with a range of options for customization. 

Why Should You Use Newsletters?

It can take a long time to list all the benefits of email marketing for your business. So, it’s much simpler to show you some juicy stats that demonstrate that newsletters are an opportunity you just can’t be missing out on:

  • It’s forecasted in 2023 there will be up to 4.3 billion global email users or half of the world’s population;
  • 73% of millennials reported that the most preferred way to communicate with a business is email.

Yes, the advantage of email marketing is obvious. All left to do is to think over the topics to make your emails informative and appealing.

11 Fresh Newsletter Ideas to Keep Your Subscribers Engaged

Do you struggle to find fresh and funny ideas for newsletters so that people read them? Don’t worry, here we are to rescue you. Yes! We want to inspire you and, thus, we’ve compiled a list of 11 sure-shot newsletter ideas that can be used by any business for keeping subscribers engaged and turning them into leads and customers.

1. How-To Guides

What can be more useful than the simple instruction on how to solve the problem or how to achieve the desired things? So, just write how-to articles and tutorials and send emails with a link on such posts to your subscribers to:

  • Offer something really valuable and worthy;
  • Solve the largest pain points;
  • Demonstrate the value of the product/service.

Besides, such how-to articles shouldn’t be lengthy. They should provide easy to understand steps, tips, expert’s advice on how to do something so that your readers can comprehend it in a short amount of time.

2. Blog Posts

Do you know that the majority of blog visitors never come back? Yes, they just do and consume what they need and leave forever. It’s really sad. The newsletters solve the problem because you can reach your visitors and remind them about your blog. So, don’t sit there waiting for people to come to your site and discover the latest posts — send an email snapshot of recent articles that they could miss.

3. Blog Round-ups

Not only the fresh content but some old posts can bring you a nice profit by means of blog round-ups (a collection of posts). Thus, you can:

  • Pull together the most popular blog posts of all time;
  • Compile a list of the best-of-the-best articles on a certain topic, etc.

It’s a perfect way to show some older blog posts to new subscribers or enhance the engagement of the regular readers. Just create rounds-up around the posts that will bring the maximum value to your target audience.

4. New Product or Updates Announcements

Have you updated the core features of the product or even created a new product/service? Hurry up to inform your subscribers about it! It will help to create a buzz for your brand and just help your users stay tuned with you. To make such an email exciting, you should:

  • Deliver main benefits of the updates or new product/service;
  • Provide links to the promo videos/blog posts/FAQs.

5. Coupons, Promotions, and Discounts

One of the main reasons why people subscribe is the chance to receive something unique and exclusive like coupons, discounts, special promotions. In case you have something of that, then just create a dedicated email campaign. Be sure, your subscribers will definitely enjoy such good offers. However, don’t spam with such emails!

6. Holiday Emails

The best way to show your subscribers that you think and care about them is to send holiday emails with personalized greetings. You should not be confined to newsletters dedicated to Christmas, New Year, Easter, or something like that, but congratulate readers on the anniversary of their subscription, user’s birthday, your brand birthday, and other occasions. It will help you to increase loyalty of the target audience and build a brand.

7. User-Generated Content

Why should you do that? It’s because user-generated content is another effective form of social proof. Creating emails with photos/videos/posts created by the users, you demonstrate how many loyal fans your business has. Herewith, it’s a way to increase credibility as well as awareness of your brand/company/blog.

8. Newsletters with Business Information

If you want to build relationships and enhance loyalty of the subscribers, then you can hardly make up something better than share some business information with your users. So, you become closer to your subscribers and build a brand by sending emails with:

  • Company story;
  • Behind-The-Scenes tours;
  • Job postings;
  • The employee of the week/month/year;
  • FAQ, and so on.

9. Industry news

It’s not obligatory to male newsletters about your business/product/service only. You can engage your users by providing relevant industry news. Just collate news around the field, the ups and downs, the latest and greatest, and so on. In such a way you will not only keep your readers informed but add value to your newsletters.

10. Newsletters For Events

In case you plan to hold an event then make sure that you tell about it to the people who might be interested in it. Create the dedicated newsletter campaign where you can:

  • Condense down the main issues of the upcoming event (webinar, conference, meetup, etc.). So that your subscribers know clearly what they can expect and if it’s what they need to.
  • Remind or, if somebody missed the event, inform the subscribers about what a cool event was held by sending the event recap.

It will help to attract interest, increase the number of visitors and active participants, and turn them into engaged leads. However, don’t be too pushy with your order.

Wrap Up

Email marketing gains its momentum. Yes, newsletters are more effective than ever before. So, just think over the campaign, choose the right topics, and design your emails to engage your readers and retain them in a more efficient manner. Deciding on the topic of the next newsletter campaign, think of your audience and provide them something really valuable that can help them to solve their problems. Only in such a way your visitors will look forward to the next blog posts, offers, emails, bringing you desired traffic, page views, conversion rate, and other increased metrics.

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The Editorial Team at Healthcare Business Today is made up of skilled healthcare writers and experts, led by our managing editor, Daniel Casciato, who has over 25 years of experience in healthcare writing. Since 1998, we have produced compelling and informative content for numerous publications, establishing ourselves as a trusted resource for health and wellness information. We offer readers access to fresh health, medicine, science, and technology developments and the latest in patient news, emphasizing how these developments affect our lives.