Why Seek the help of a Cardiologist for an Elderly

Updated on June 28, 2021

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Geriatric care is perhaps more complicated than caring at any other age. This is because old age is not ridden with a single disease and the cardiologists have to take into consideration a lot more risk factors than they would in other cases. While some doctors achieve requisite experience over the course of their careers, medical associations and all higher authorities on medicine recommend geriatric care should be specialized and a suitable curriculum must be developed to train doctors specifically in this area which is now being implemented in hospitals all over the United States especially in Fort Lauderdale. As is being observed in the past few decades the prevalence of coexistence of geriatric syndromes among the elderly has been on a steady increase. Therefore, such specialized care comes at an opportune time. 

What are the complexities of Geriatric Cardiology Care?

Some of the complexities in treating elderly of their cardiovascular diseases are as follows:

Physical and functional decline: The organs begin to lose their vitality and immune system response declines. This means that infections catch on faster and tend to cause more damage than they would in an otherwise healthy adult.

Multimorbidity: This refers to the condition when there are more than two illnesses in the body which invariably affect the diagnosis and medication of another one. The medications used in each of these illnesses may cause adverse reactions with each other in the body, worsening the symptoms and causing organ failures. 

Polypharmacy: This is the condition arising from multimorbidity wherein too many medicines are prescribed without studying their individual effects on each other. Polypharmacy also occurs when multiple doctors prescribe medicines without consulting each other and studying and taking in due consideration of the history of the patient. Sometimes the patients themselves fail to articulate proper information which leads to them consuming medicines without proper reasons. 

Delirium: When a patient encounters difficulty in clear thinking due to improper mental functioning and decreased awareness of their surroundings, the condition is referred to as delirium. This condition may result in the patient forgetting to consume their medicines on time and other complicated situations. 

Cognitive Impairment and Dementia: Cognitive impairment refers to the decline in mental abilities which are responsible for recalling, learning, pondering, reflecting and other functions. Dementia is basically an advanced failure of cognitive functions. 

All these conditions lead to fairly high complexity in diagnosing a Cardiovascular condition in an older adult. 

In Fort Lauderdale as well as some other areas where advanced geriatric specialty hospitals have been established, such considerations are given prime importance when the treatment of a cardiovascular disease begins. 

If your loved one is suffering from CVD, and is currently leaving near Primary Medical Care Center in Fort Lauderdale, and has multimorbidities here are some tips to help you care for them.

  1. Try to hire at home care as long as possible

Seniors respond better with individual care in a familiar setting such as that of their own home. Nowadays several providers help with such a care plan. Home visits can also be arranged if twenty-four seven care does not suit your bill. Telehealth has opened up new avenues for proper care of seniors. 

  1. Personalize the care as much as possible

Asking them to stop all the activities that they enjoyed might not be a good idea. Instead, you could include other low impact activities that makes them feel socially included and makes them appreciate their time as well. 

  1. Enable them to make their own decisions 

The more independent they feel the better they are going to respond to the medication. Better moods influence the way treatment is absorbed by the body. 

  1. Ensure timely medication and follow doctor’s orders 

At no time should doctor’s orders be disobeyed. For a senior person, the treatment regime is carefully crafted taking into consideration their medical history, their allergies and any other peculiar condition that may exist. The best way to recover from the illness and enjoy a decent quality of life is following doctor’s orders. Also ensure that your home is senior friendly in every way possible. 

  1. Stay updated on new technologies and medical interventions

Especially in critical cases, new technologies or clinical trials that offer hope in improving the condition of the senior should be diligently followed. However, before enrolling them in any such programs due approval by their doctor is necessary. 

Learn more about Primary Medical Care Center for Seniors, click here

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