The Best Penis Extenders

Updated on September 25, 2023
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If you’re looking for the best penis extenders, from our research, they’re ProExtender, Jes Extender and Male Edge – in that order.

And how exactly did we reach that conclusion?

With a lot of time, research and probably more energy drinks than any person should ever consume. We tried, retried and delved further and deeper into mysterious, sometimes confusing and often brash world of so-called ‘natural penis enhancement’.

What we found: the best penis extenders can indeed give you a bigger penis. But you may have to wade through a sea of crap to find them – or hitch a ride off our hard work and let us do it for you.

Best Penis Extenders: At a Glance

Assuming you’re starved for time and just want the ‘best-of’ version for the best penis extenders, here are your winners:

#1 – ProExtender – Designed by a urologist and used by hospitals in over 29 countries, ProExtender brings a medical-grade mechanism and the inches that come with it. This is your top pick.

#2 – Jes Extender – A quality device with over half a million customers across the globe, Jes Extender is one of the best penis extenders, second only to ProExtender.

#3 – Male Edge – This is another high quality penis extender with a good reputation and results to match.

Those are the best penis extenders. Now, let’s talk about those questions you’re just burning to ask, like, do penis extenders work and, what the heck is a penis extender anyway?

Wait a Sec, Do Penis Extenders Actually Work?

A penis extender is a device that sits on your penis and gradually applies pressure along the shaft. That’s why it’s called an ‘extender’. With light, yet consistent pressure, this technique encourages cells to multiply within your penile tissue which, you guessed it, adds size down there.

But do penis extenders work?

Evidence suggests that yes, they do. A 2010 review of clinical evidence found that guys who wore a penis extender for six hours a day over four months gained 1.8 to 3.1CM in length. That’s further supported by another study, this one in 2011, which found that when men wore a penis extender for nine hours daily over three months, they gained up to an inch in length.

So yes, penis extenders can actually give you a bigger penis – with the added benefit of doing so with discretion and without penis surgery. And if you’re not keen on someone taking a knife to your penis, that is good news indeed.

What a Penis Extender Should Do

A penis extender should give you a bigger penis. You’ll need to wear it daily, for at least hours a day, but the results should come with time and consistency. The best penis extenders should:

Make Your Penis Longer – This is the obvious benefit to penis extenders, and the answer is yes. When you use a penis extender, you can make your penis bigger.

Add Width To Your Penis – A penis extender should add girth (width) as well.

Straighten a Curved Penis – You can also use a penis extender to straighten a curved penis. Hospitals use some of the best penis extenders, like ProExtender, to correct Peyronie’s disease – severe curvature of the penis.

Offer Discreet Penis Enlargement – This may be one of the most overlooked benefits of using a penis extender. They can help make your penis bigger, without surgery, and assuming you use a good device, they can easily blend into your daily ritual.

You can wear a penis extender to school, work, the gym or where ever you like. No one should know that you’re wearing it – and no one should no you are literally getting a bigger penis while you’re interacting with them.

Boost Your Confidence – It’s a huge boost to the ego when you have a bigger penis. And let’s be honest, that’s the primary reason you’re looking for the best penis extenders – you want to look like a champ in front of your sexual partners.

When you look good, you feel good. That’s all the more reason why a good penis extender is one of the best values in male enhancement.

Finding the Best Penis Extenders: Our Criteria

That’s what a penis extender should do. Now, how do you find the best penis extenders – the ones that actually work and, wait for it, can give you bigger penis?

You can start by looking for the following:

Designed By A Urologist – Who made the product? Was it just some guy off Amazon, or did a urologist design the product? You can see why the latter is important. That’s one of the reasons why ProExtender is our top pick – it was designed by a Danish urologist and is used by doctors and cosmetic surgeons around the world.

A Brand For At Least 10 Years – Longevity counts among penis extenders, and we know where you mind went just now. Let us be a little more clear: the best penis extenders have been around for at least 5 years, and preferably 10 years or longer.

Brands are important in male enhancement. They’re a sign the company behind the product has successfully served men over years or decades in an industry with too many bad actors. Yes, there are scams and bad products in male enhancement. But there are also good products and with good companies behind them. One clue – a product that’s been around for 10 years or more.

When we look for the best penis extenders, this is one of our criteria.

Customer Testimonials – This is related to what we just talked about. The best penis extenders have been around long enough to help customers get what every dude wants: a bigger penis. Does the product have a long list of customer testimonials? This is a good sign.

Medical Grade Device – The best penis extenders are made of medical-grade materials and should not cause your skin any problems. They should be durable as well.

Comfort – You’re going to be wearing this penis extender every day for at least the next three months. You might as well buy a product that’s comfortable!

Discreet – A penis extender should easily blend into your daily lifestyle. Granted, most penis extenders are roughly the same size, but you should not have any problems with discretion regardless.

60+ Day Money-Back Guarantee – You should be able to return the product if it doesn’t work (and you should see at least some increases in penis length in less than 60 days, although you’ll need to wear the product daily as directed to see results). We would not trust any male enhancement company that won’t accept returns after a month.

The Best Penis Extenders

OK, you know the basics. A penis extender can give you a penis at least in length and should help your width as well. It should also straighten a curved penis, boost your confidence and easily blend into your day without tipping people off that you’re wearing a penis extender – and getting a bigger penis every day.

With all that on the table, let’s go deeper in to the weird, wacky and surprisingly rewarding world of the best penis extenders in 2021. You know, the ones that are actually worth your money and, yup, can give you the bigger penis you truly desire.

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#1 – ProExtender – Best Overall Penis Extender

ProExtender leads our list of the best penis extenders because, simply put, it brings everything you want in a penis extender. It’s one of the best-known and most-respected names in the business that was designed by a Danish urologist and has helped thousands of dudes over two decades add inches in length and width.

It’s made of solid material and has optional traction bars for even bigger gains than the regular model. This is a quality device and our pick for the best of the bunch.

What We Like:

  • Excellent Quality Device
  • Designed By a Urologist
  • Respected Name
  • Long List of Customer Testimonials
  • Optional Extra Traction Bars For Maximum Inches
  • 67 Day Money Back Guarantee

What We Don’t Like:

  • You Can’t Buy It in Stores
  • Expensive

Why It’s #1:

What he said – ProExtender brings the best quality, best name, best credibility and, from our experience, the best results among penis extenders.

ProExtender alone can give you a bigger penis, but they also offer a Deluxe and an Ultimate package which gives you the option to ‘level up’ those gains even more.

If you buy a penis extender, you’re already going to have a bigger penis – assuming you wear it every day as directed. Would you pay a hundred bucks more to add even more length an width. With ProExtender Deluxe, you have that option. We think that’s pretty cool.

Learn More At:

#2 – Jes Extender – A Good Penis Extender

Jes Extender is our second pick among the best penis extenders. We like it a lot – it’s just shy of ProExtender territory. Also designed by a urologist, Jes Extender is one of the most established and respected names in the business, having helped over half a million dudes get bigger since 1995.

The makers of Jes Extender clearly take your enlargement dreams seriously. They’ve done studies, certified the product as a Class 1 medical device and put a lot of time and money into a quality penis extender.

The result? Jes Extender is one of the best penis extenders out there. If you’re in the market, it’s a contender.

What We Like:

  • High Grade Materials
  • Clinical Studies
  • Respected Name in Male Enhancement
  • Over 25 Years Experience
  • Designed By a Urologist
  • Year-Long Guarantee

What We Don’t Like:

  • You Can’t Buy it in Stores
  • High Packages Seem a Little Unnecessary

Why It’s #2:

Jes Extender is a very good penis extender. It’s got a good selection of models, starting with the Jes Extender Light ($199.99) and Jes Extender Original ($229.99) all the way to Jes Extender Platinum ($1,000).

The product gains points for construction quality, its history and, most of all, the results that it brings. So why is it the second best penis extender? From our experience, and with the guys we’ve spoken with, ProExtender brings slightly better results and was a little more comfortable.

Also, we feel the $1,000 model might be a little excessive.

That’s not to bash Jes Extender in any way. It’s a solid device (literally), with science, experience and a long list of happy dudes who are bigger down there thanks to this very good penis extender. It’s not the best, but not far from it either.

Learn More At:

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#3 – Male Edge – A Budget-Friendly Penis Extender

Male Edge is our third pick among the best penis extenders. We found the quality with Male Edge isn’t quite as high as ProExtender or Jes Extender. But it’s not shoddy either, and with a price that clocks in well under two hundred bucks, that’s nothing to complain about.

Male Edge is one of the better-known penis extenders. It’s been around long enough to develop a decent list of customer testimonials and has a good selection of accessories you can add to your purchase.

From our experience, Male Edge delivers good results.

What We Like:

  • Most Affordable of the Best Penis Extenders
  • Good Results
  • Good Reputation
  • Good Selection of Accessories
  • Money-Back Guarantee

What We Don’t Like:

  • Device is Made of Plastic
  • You Can’t Buy it In Stores

Why It’s #3:

Male Edge is a budget-friendly penis extender. It’s made of plastic, which some guys may find is not quite as durable as a metal device (like our top two picks).

That being said, we can’t argue with that base price of well under a hundred bucks. Granted, it’s missing some of the accessories you might expect with a penis extender kit, but you can add those on to your purchase in Male Edge’s store as you see fit.

The Male Edge device works, and it’s affordable. If that’s what you want, you found your product.

Learn More At:

Conclusion: Which Penis Extender Should You Buy?

We’ve talked about the best penis extenders in this article. That’s ProExtender, Jes Extender and Male Edge, and yes, in that order. We ranked them based on quality, reputation, comfort and most of all, the results you can expect.

We like ProExtender the best. But you’ve got two further good options in Jes Extender or Male Edge. If money is tight, and you can overlook that it’s plastic Male Edge gets the job done, and you can add the accessories that you would get in a premium model like ProExtender as required.

FAQs About Penis Extenders

Still have questions about penis extenders? 

What is a Penis Extender?

A penis extender is a metal or plastic device that sits on your penis and gradually extends its length and possibly girth through traction. This process encourages cells to multiply in your penile tissue, which leads to a bigger penis.

You’ll need to wear a penis extender each day as directed. Studies on penis lengthening show the best results when worn for at least four hours and for three months at a time. 

You may need to wear the device for up to nine hours a day and for up to six months.

Do They Hurt?

They shouldn’t. A penis extender is designed for light, but consistent traction along the shaft of your penis. You can adjust the rods of the device as required. Most guys find that a penis extender blends with relative ease into a man’s day.

It’s doubtful that anyone will know you’re wearing it.

Are Penis Extenders Safe?

Please speak with your doctor before using a penis extender if you have any health or safety concerns.

How Big Will I Get?

That depends on a variety of factors, like how long you wear it and how much traction you apply. A 2011 study found that men who wore a penis extender for up to nine hours a day over three months gained up to an inch in length.

You could add more or less. But you’ll likely have a bigger penis for your efforts.

How Much Does a Penis Extender Cost?

Anywhere from $150 to a thousand bucks. We’ve talked about the best penis extenders in this article. Male Edge is the most budget-friendly option. Jes Extender can cost up to a thousand bucks depending on the kit you select.

We like the middle ground, with ProExtender, which clocks in at an affordable price and offers a medical-grade device designed by a urologist and is FDA cleared. Each penis extender we’ve talked about should give you a larger penis. Our research leads us to conclude ProExtender is the best.

Our research found ProExtender leads the best penis extenders in 2021, with a durable device, designed by a urologist that may add an inch to your penis.

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The Editorial Team at Healthcare Business Today is made up of skilled healthcare writers and experts, led by our managing editor, Daniel Casciato, who has over 25 years of experience in healthcare writing. Since 1998, we have produced compelling and informative content for numerous publications, establishing ourselves as a trusted resource for health and wellness information. We offer readers access to fresh health, medicine, science, and technology developments and the latest in patient news, emphasizing how these developments affect our lives.