PROKERA for Patients: A Closer Examination

Updated on August 26, 2023

PROKERA cryopreserved amniotic membrane has taken on an added level of importance in the medical community in recent years and it is time for patients to learn why. PROKERA for Patients has a wide range of benefits, all of which hold up to closer examination. The procedure promotes anti-inflammation and anti-scarring but that’s not all. PROKERA is most important as a healer of damaged eye surfaces. When it comes to the corneal healing process, PROKERA also contains the sole cryopreserved amniotic membrane that has received FDA clearance.

Patients who have never had the procedure in the past are not going to know all of the ins and outs. That’s understandable enough. That’s why the top doctors are taking all of the guesswork out of PROKERA. It may sound complicated but in reality? This procedure is very simple. Any prospective patient who would like to learn more is encouraged to read on….

Treating Common Ocular Surface Diseases

One of the main issues that a patient will experience here is related to the prevalence of ocular surface disease. Ocular surface optimization is one of the best ways to overcome such problems. PROKERA promotes natural, therapeutic healing, allowing the patient to easily overcome any unseen ocular surface diseases. Since many of these diseases are unseen by the untrained eye, the patient may not even know about them until it is too late.

In most instances, dry eye disease is the most common among patients who are considering a pre-cataract optimization. If it is not properly treated, visual quality and quantity is diminished severely. Refractive measurements before and after surgery are also adversely affected. Ocular surface disorders are often exacerbated by surgical procedures, especially when the patient is not willing to take the proper steps beforehand.

Worsened vision, increased symptoms, and overall dissatisfaction are all too common in these particular instances. The most modern treatments are needed so that the patient can enjoy a truly modern outcome. Ocular surface disorders must be treated before an operation. Otherwise, the patient is putting themselves at an increased level of risk for future ocular issues.

The Importance of Managing Dry Eye Disease Pre-Surgery

This is another positive aspect of PROKERA for patients that cannot be overstated. More patients suffer from dry eye diseases than they realize. When a patient is preparing for a cataract-related procedure, dry eye disease often goes unidentified or inadequately treated. That’s what makes PROKERA so crucial. The signs and symptoms of dry eye disease do not always provide an easy correlation, which makes it tough for these problems to receive a proper diagnosis.

Even patients who are asymptomatic prior to surgery can have a moderate to severe ocular surface disease index. Those who do not take the proper steps before a surgery of this nature are typically going to have a worse outcome than those who do. Ocular surface disorders have to be identified and addressed before the surgery, so that the patient can receive the highest possible level of care. Abnormal results are still prevalent in patients who have few symptoms (or even none). Don’t make the mistake of assuming that no noticeable symptoms equate to having no real problems.

Studies have also shown that patients benefit immensely from PROKERA before surgery because it allows for corneal nerve regeneration and the ocular surface health of the patient is also significantly improved. These are benefits that cannot be ignored. By taking the time to handle any ocular surface disorders that are taking place before surgery, patients are able to enjoy a rapidly accelerated recovery time.

Surgeons Recognize The Importance of Identifying Ocular Surface Disorders

PROKERA is not some form of junk science. It is legitimately recognized by various surgeons, who all preach about the importance of recognizing ocular surface disorders. Neel R. Desai, MD, has shared his reasoning and it is a must-see for any patient who would like to learn more about how these disorders can be treated before a cataract surgery takes place. Dr. Desai lays out all of the reasoning and patients would be remiss to ignore it.

For starters, ocular surface diseases are highly prevalent. As a result of their prevalence, they are often underdiagnosed. The patient must be willing to take the time to have these issues examined. In many instances, the patient is going to underestimate the clinical significance. Even if the ocular surface disease is detected during the surgery, that does not mean that it can be easily addressed. The results of the cataract surgery are not going to be as welcomed if the patient does not take these types of proactive steps.

Avoiding Surgical Errors

Dr. Desai goes on to explain that refractive surprises and errors are a common issue for surgeons in this position. With ocular surface optimization, this is no longer a problem. Instead of being left to learn more once the big day arrives, the surgeons are able to provide themselves with a very helpful road map to success. Refracted cataract surgery options can be expanded, thanks to ocular surface optimization. Unfortunately, surgeons are not always left with the ability to figure these things out on their own.

That’s why it pays to be proactive instead of reactive, on both sides. Lastly, Dr. Desai offers one very crucial piece of advice for these patients. It is always “easier to set expectations than it is to treat perceived complications”. No patient wants to be left dealing with such problems, of course. 30 percent of all cataract patients have dry eye syndrome and in most instances, they are not going to be able to diagnose them without medical assistance. Asymptomatic ocular surface disorder will cause just as many issues over the long haul as an OSD that is readily apparent.

Be sure to ask a primary care physician about pre-cataract optimization. The problems that are avoided and the benefits that are enjoyed are too plentiful to ignore. Pre-cataract optimization provides better results for the patient, allowing them to steer clear of pitfalls and experience top-notch visual outcomes after their surgery.

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