How To Prepare Your Son For A Safe Circumcision Manchester 

Updated on February 28, 2022

Circumcision may be one of the things you think about if you have a baby boy. Although there could be no legal or medical requirement to get your son circumcised when they’re still a baby, it may still be a decision you need to make as soon as possible.   

Generally, circumcision has been a common surgical procedure performed on infants in Manchester or other cities nearby. This is because of its ability to reduce the risk of urinary tract infection or other related issues like urinary incontinence during the child’s infancy years. However, you might be worried about the potential adverse side effects of circumcision on your son’s health. As such, it’s essential to make the necessary preparations to ensure the procedure is performed successfully and safely on your baby.   

So, if you’ve decided to get your son circumcised in Manchester or wherever you may be located, read on to learn how to prepare your little one for a safe procedure.   

What Is Circumcision?  

Circumcision refers to a surgical procedure involving removing the penis’s foreskin. It’s usually done on babies for personal, aesthetic, or religious reasons in several countries across the world, including the United States and the United Kingdom.   

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Typically, circumcision is performed by medical professionals, like a family medicine doctor, pediatrician, urologist, or surgeon. For most newborn circumcisions, the infant will lie down on a table. To numb the penis, the attending doctor will give an anesthetic cream or injection.   

What Should You Do To Prepare Your Son For A Safe Circumcision?  

Now that you know what circumcision is, it’s time to familiarize yourself with the things you need to do to prepare your baby boy for a safe procedure in Manchester or wherever you may be. These can include the following:  

  1. Talk To A Doctor To Familiarize Yourself With The Process   

Before the circumcision is performed, speak to the physician to educate yourself about the procedure, especially if it’ll be done at home. Make sure the one who is doing a home circumcision Manchester to your infant son is certified, experienced, and medically licensed to do so. For instance, you can ask specific questions to the doctor to assess their knowledge and skills about circumcision. By doing this, you’ll know what to expect both for you as a parent and your son.   

One of the questions you can ask the physician is the method they’ll use to circumcise your baby boy. The following are the most common ones you need to know about:  

  • The Mogen Clamp: This involves using a probe to detach the foreskin from the tip of the penis. The doctor pulls away from the foreskin and inserts it into the metal clamp. They cut the foreskin using a scalpel while holding the clamp properly for a few minutes to minimize the risk of excessive bleeding.  
  • The Gomco Clamp: This also involves the separation of the foreskin from the tip of the penis. However, the doctor fits a bell-shaped device over the penis head and below the foreskin with an incision. Then, they pull over the foreskin and use a clamp to tighten around it. This is to ensure the blood flow in the area is reduced. Once the bleeding stops, the doctor uses a scalpel to remove the foreskin.   
  • The Plastibell Technique: Like the Gomco and Mogen Clamp, the doctor utilizes a probe to detach the foreskin from the penis head and fit a bell-shaped device over the head and below the foreskin. From there, they tie around a piece of suture around the foreskin to stop the bleeding. The suture will remain in the foreskin while the doctor cuts off the extra skin with a scalpel. There’s nothing to worry about because the suture will fall off on its own a few days of recovery following the procedure.   

There are several methods used in a male circumcision procedure. Hence, if you want to ensure your son’s safety throughout the process, make sure to discuss these things with the physician. That way, you can feel comfortable about the procedure, thereby helping you prepare for your little one’s safe circumcision successfully.   

  1. Decide If Your Son Is Ready To Be Circumcised  

To ensure the safety of your son during the circumcision Manchester or wherever you may be, it’s crucial to assess whether they’re ready to undergo the procedure. This means doing the following:  

  • Make sure your son is healthy by getting them physically examined by a physician. The purpose here is to know if it’s safe to move forward with the procedure without adverse side effects. Check for any signs of abnormalities that may affect your baby’s readiness for circumcision. However, if they’re diagnosed with phimosis or a condition wherein the foreskin is too tight to pull over, you need to wait a few years before the procedure is performed.   
  • Pay close attention to your son’s weight. In most cases, infants ready for the process should weigh five pounds or more. If your little one weighs less than five pounds, you might need to postpone the circumcision. Otherwise, they’re ready for the procedure.   
  • Be sure your infant son has no bleeding disorders by checking your family history. This is because a health issue like bleeding can make circumcision more dangerous for your son.   
  • Make sure your little one gets proper nutrition and is hydrated to avoid health complications. Move the circumcision for a few days if you think they’re unstable.   
  1. Tackle The Need For Adequate And Safe Pain Relief During The Procedure  

Like older people, your infant son can also experience pain during circumcision. To make the process painless for them, it’s best to discuss the need for adequate pain relief with your doctor, which is usually local anesthesia. Some common options can include injectable anesthesia, particularly the dorsal penile nerve block or the ring block and a topical cream.   

Whatever option you choose, make sure it’s adequate, effective, and safe for your infant son. That way, you can achieve a more favorable outcome for your little one’s circumcision experience.   

Bottom Line   

Depending on some personal circumstances, circumcision can be an essential procedure for your son. Hence, if you decide to get them circumcised during infancy, it’s best to keep the information mentioned above in mind. By doing so, you can ensure your son is ready to undergo a safe circumcision in Manchester or your area.