6 Effective Ways to Relieve Back Pain

Updated on April 7, 2023

URL: https://pixabay.com/illustrations/back-pain-pain-body-backache-5308969/

Back pain ranges from a muscle aching to a burning, shooting, or stabbing sensation. The pain can gradually improve with self-care and home treatment. However, if the pain persists, is severe and doesn’t reduce with a rest, spreads down one leg or both, causes numbness, tingling, or numbness on one or both legs, or comes with unexplained weight loss, it could be time to see a doctor.

If you’re experiencing back pain, it may be caused by a range of factors such as ligament or muscle strain, poor posture, structural problems, ruptured or bulging disks, or underlying diseases such as arthritis or osteoporosis. It is essential to find the root of the pain, and one way to start is by searching for a pain specialist near you. They can help diagnose and treat the underlying issue causing your back pain.

In the meantime, there are some effective ways to relieve back pain that you can try. Here are six techniques that can provide some relief:

Use back pain relief devices

Back pain is a condition affecting a lot of people. Based on your symptoms, you can use a back pain relief device to ease the discomfort. Using back pain relief devices such as posture correctors, lumbar wheels and stretchers, percussive massagers, TENS devices, and neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) helps you lessen or prevent back pain. To make smart choices regarding back pain relief, consider consulting your doctor.

Avoid extended static posture

Static posture refers to remaining in the same position for prolonged periods, mainly when working. It may restrain blood flow and damage your muscles. Static posture can also affect the ligaments, nerves, tendons, and blood vessels. Avoid sitting for long durations or use a standing desk while working.

Consider adjusting your shoulders, back, and neck to avoid stressing your spine. Try rotating activities to avoid getting the same muscle, and joint sets strained from over-fatigue. For instance, if you’ve been working while sitting for some time, try changing to a different task that lets you stand.

Leverage physical therapy

A physical therapist can help you learn how to stand, move, and sit to maintain proper spine alignment while alleviating your back pain. They also teach you special exercises to strengthen the core muscles supporting your back, preventing more back pain in the long run. Increasing strength, endurance, and flexibility reduce back pain, but it might take time. Physical therapy may involve posture retraining, pain tolerance limit testing, flexibility, and stretching exercises, aerobic exercises, and core strengthening.

Practice mindfulness and medication

Chronic back pain strains you emotionally and physically. To manage the irritation, frustration, depression, and other psychological effects of handling chronic pain, you might have to see a rehabilitation psychologist. The specialist can suggest meditation, tai chi, yoga, and further relaxation and cognitive tactics to keep you from concentrating on the pain.

Try back massages

Gently massaging tense or sore muscles is an effective way to loosen them up to relieve your pain. A back massage combined with other treatments lessens back pain, improves back function, reduces inflammatory medication usage, and minimizes rest days. If you can’t afford a professional massage, consider asking a friend or your partner to massage you with a medicated ointment for more relief.

Engage in regular stretches and exercises

Exercising is good, especially when experiencing lower back pain. It helps restore your muscles while protecting you from future pain. Press-ups, cobra pose, standing backends, and walking on flat areas can help reduce back pain symptoms. Stretching also loosens up tense muscles and strengthens the ones that need help. Avoid exercises and stretches that cause you more pain.


Untreated back pain can be dangerous for your health. Consider using these tips to relieve back pain.

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