5 positive benefits from video gaming

Updated on July 8, 2022

Video games are often dismissed as the domain of lazy people, but did you know they provide many positive benefits and skills that are useful in daily life?

From healthy brain stimulation to the development of problem-solving skills and more, the power of video games should not be underestimated.

Regardless of your age, playing video games is an activity that can improve your quality of life providing you do not overdo things.

With that in mind, we take a closer look at five positive benefits that can be derived from video gaming, starting with one that may really surprise you.

Calorie burning

A recent study by Betway revealed that sustained video gaming sessions can be as effective at burning calories as vigorous exercise.

The test revealed that participants who played Fortnite for 90 minutes burned an average of 194 calories, just ahead of FIFA (189) and Call of Duty: Warzone (188).

To achieve the same results from intensive exercise you would need to perform 353 squats, 239 crunches or 162 push-ups.

Virtual reality (VR) games such as Until You Fall have also been found to be extremely adept at burning calories and increasing heart rate.

Hand-to-eye coordination

Researchers at the University of Toronto discovered that people who regularly play video games such as Call of Duty or Assassin’s Creed learn new sensorimotor skills more quickly than non-gamers.

The study involved 18 gamers and 18 non-gamers, with both groups required to perform a simple manual tracking task on a computer screen.

There were initially no discernible differences between the two groups, but as time went on the gamers became far more accurate than the non-gamers.

The gamers’ superior ability in learning a sensorimotor pattern gained through their gaming experience enabled them to learn better than the other group.

Cognitive abilities

Cognitive abilities such as visuospatial skills and concentration can be significantly improved if you play video games each day.

Gamers generally gain more ability to recognise and remember objects and understand the relations between all of those objects.

This skill is transferrable into day-to-day tasks such navigating your way around a city on foot or driving to different places in a vehicle.

Spatial awareness also crosses over into several areas of academia such as engineering, mathematics, natural sciences and architecture.

Multitasking skills

One of the most noteworthy benefits derived from video gaming is the substantial gains you can achieve in multitasking skills.

Many of the most popular video games require players to perform several tasks at the same time, especially first-person shooter games.

In addition to controlling your on-screen character, you need to monitor the enemy, keep an eye on your health status and check your ammunition.

If you are playing a multi-player version of a game, you will also need to communicate in real-time with your fellow players.


A study conducted by Brigham Young University discovered that video games are more effective at fostering teamwork than other traditional forms of team building.

Teams that played video games together for 45 minutes performed up to 20 percent better than teams involved in other team building activities.

The researchers found that the teammates who played a collaborative video game were more likely to cooperate positively with their teammates in subsequent tasks.

The results suggest that video gaming is a good way to foster team spirit amongst team members, which could be useful in employment, sport and several other areas.

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