What Is Medical Animation and Why Is It Important?

Updated on July 14, 2022
What Is Medical Animation and Why Is It Important?

Since the days of Leonardo Da Vinci making sketches of human anatomy, the ideas and philosophies behind medical animation have been implemented to educate, inform, and comfort those looking for a deeper understanding of medical procedures. But what is medical animation, and why is it so important when explaining the intricate concepts of more complicated procedures?

What Is Medical Animation?

Essentially, medical animation uses diagrams, drawings, and animation to explain how procedures or medicines work. When people watch a commercial for an antihistamine, they often see an animated version of the common cold getting destroyed by the medication.

Examples of medical animation include everything from basic explanations of the effects of medicine on anthropomorphized germs to fully rendered 3D maps of the nervous system. Some companies focus on well-researched science for their animations, while other studios use it more for marketing.

Benefits of Medical Animation

We’ve explored the basics of what medical animation is, but why is it so important? What practical functions do these animations provide for professionals and casual viewers? As the old saying goes, “seeing is believing”—and that is one of the most crucial aspects of medical animation.

Rather than a doctor explaining complex procedures or using only words to dive into the intricacies of human anatomy, animation allows individuals to see the details of science, medicine, and other advanced technology for themselves. Accessibility is an important factor in education, and medical animations created for simple and complex levels allow us to learn through handy visual aids.

The Future of Medical Animation

As technology improves, so does medical animation. The introduction of the term came about long before 3D computer graphics were available; as technology evolves, so too does our ability to create informative and helpful visual aids. Advanced technology allows for more realistic renderings and vital features like interactivity, which lets us move and rotate visual aids to get the clearest possible picture.