Creating healthcare presentations can be a challenge. Not only is it often difficult to distill information-intensive content into a couple of slides, but to add to that your audience will often make up of a mix of medical professionals and laypeople.
Trying to come up with a presentation that will effectively put across your points given these circumstances may seem close to be impossible, but there are a few ways that you can get on the right track:
Tone down the medical jargon
Unless you’re addressing a crowd with similar experience and expertise, jargon is likely to harm more than it helps. While it may be unavoidable in some cases, try to keep the jargon to a minimal and adopt a more colloquial voice that will be easier to follow.
Use illustrations to when explaining
Illustrations are a critical element in medical slides, as they can help to make it much easier to explain certain points. Keep in mind that your illustrations don’t need to be limited to medical diagrams, but can include graphs, flowcharts and other designs depending on the content that you’re trying to explain.
Don’t crowd your slides
Although you may have a lot of points you want to put across, you should never crowd your slides and pack them full of information. Frankly if a single slide contains an illustration as well as 6 to 8 points, the majority of that content is going to be lost on your audience. Try to make sure your slides only include the most important information in as distilled a fashion as possible, and explain the rest verbally when you present.
Balance proof and credibility
Proof is important in healthcare presentations to establish credibility – both for yourself and the points you’re putting across. However if you cram too much proof into your presentation it is going to drown out the rest of the content, and is likely to make your presentation dry and dull. Because of that you need to balance proof and credibility – only including as much proof as absolutely necessary to support the information you’re conveying.
While there are many different tools you could use to create healthcare presentations, one of the easiest is definitely Movavi Slideshow Maker. With it you can quickly compile images and videos as slides in a presentation, and save it in any video format you require to make it easier to share.
Additionally Movavi Slideshow Maker has numerous features that you can use to make your presentations stand out. That includes adding stylish animated transitions, including background music, applying special effects and filters, or even inserting customizable captions.
Due to its intuitive approach, it won’t take you long to familiarize yourself with Movavi Slideshow Maker. In fact even if it is your first time using it you won’t need more than a few minutes to create a healthcare presentation and apply its features so that it is able to effectively put your points across in an engaging manner.