Tracing Drivers of Geriatric Care Growth Throughout 2023 

Updated on January 6, 2024
friendly nurse visiting recovering senior patient

The geriatric care market is experiencing significant growth, currently standing to exceed $1,682 billion by 2028. This considerable metric has resulted from a combination of crucial industry trends and shifts, each representing promising implications for geriatric care across various healthcare concentrations. 

Demographic Shifts

One of the primary drivers fueling geriatric healthcare is the global demographic shift toward an aging population. As people worldwide live longer, the proportion of elderly individuals is increasing rapidly, spurring significant implications for geriatric care. Healthcare providers and policymakers must now meet the unique medical needs of a growing elderly population; this includes addressing increasingly prevalent chronic diseases, managing age-related conditions, and promoting overall well-being in later life.

In turn, primary care geriatricians are now in high demand. These specialized physicians work to address complex medical conditions that are common among elderly patients, such as Alzheimer’s disease, osteoporosis, and heart disease. The increasing need for these specialists underscores the importance of investing in medical education and training programs tailored to geriatric care. Similar demand has arisen in long-term care facilities, which require expansion, modernization, and adequate staffing to ensure quality care.

Evolving Solutions

In response to these ever-changing needs, healthcare systems are adapting to address a wider range of conditions and quality of life considerations. One notable development is the rise of interdisciplinary care teams. These collectives consist of various healthcare professionals – such as physicians, nurses, psychiatrists, physical therapists, and social workers – who collaborate to provide holistic care for elderly patients. An interdisciplinary approach can yield more nuanced, personalized healthcare outcomes for geriatric patients in various medical fields. For instance, a 2021 study of an integrated collaborative care model for elderly depression, anxiety, and physical illness found that such a framework was both “feasible and effective” in improving patient outcomes, fostering stronger patient trust, and bolstering efficiency and convenience. 

Market growth has also stemmed from a myriad of rapid technological advancements – namely, those related to wearable technology. Devices like smartwatches and fitness trackers can monitor vital signs, track physical activity, and even provide fall detection alerts. These wearables not only empower seniors to take an active role in their health but also enable healthcare providers to gather valuable data for early intervention and prevention. Meanwhile, telehealth and remote monitoring technologies are also playing a crucial role in meeting evolving geriatric care needs. Many seniors prefer to age in place, staying in their homes as long as possible. Telehealth allows healthcare providers to monitor patients’ vital signs, deliver consultations, and provide timely interventions without the need for frequent in-person visits. Additionally, the development of electronic health records (EHRs) and health information exchange systems is streamlining healthcare coordination and data sharing among different providers; this is particularly crucial in geriatric care, where patients often see multiple specialists and require a seamless flow of information.

As the elderly population continues to grow and age, the healthcare industry must adapt to provide comprehensive, integrated, and technologically advanced care for seniors. Geriatric care is at the forefront of addressing the aging population’s unique needs, and the market’s growth reflects the commitment to quality care for one of the world’s most vulnerable populations – a dedication that must remain steadfast in a dynamic healthcare sector. 

Dr. Rekha Bhandari
Dr. Rekha Bhandari
Founder at 

Dr. Rekha Bhandari is a well-respected and accomplished doctor and Founder of MedElite Group, based in New York City. Her specialty is in geriatric care and the integration of digital health technologies in the hospital.