The Essentials of a Business Security System

Updated on July 1, 2022
The Essentials of a Business Security System

Protecting your building and the people inside of it is an absolute necessity. When you run a business, you’ll sleep better at night knowing it’s safe. This means doing all you can to protect it from theft, intrusions, and other potential hazards that could damage your space, employees, or customers. The best defense is solid security, so here are just a few of the essentials of a business security system for you to employ and install.

Fire and CO Alarm Systems

When you run a commercial business, you already have an obligation to install protective fire safety measures such as sprinklers and clearly marked fire exits. However, going above and beyond legal requirements regarding fire alarms and carbon monoxide detection is beneficial for the well-being and safety of those inside your establishment.

Alarm Systems

General alarm systems are among the biggest essentials of a business security system. Motion detectors on windows and door contacts allow on-site and remote workers to know when something is transpiring. Panic buttons to alert the authorities of an intruder in the building are also a vital component of the alarm system.

Security Cameras

Having eyes and ears on multiple perspectives of your building is crucial for staying one step ahead of any intruders. It’s also an excellent way to have video proof of anything transpiring. Installing cameras to record the interior and exterior of your building allows you to monitor customers and external threats from a safe and remote location.

Access Control Systems

Not everyone in your company has access to every area. A good way to keep people out of restricted areas is by using access control systems. Common access systems utilize keycards, employee IDs, or keypad combinations to enter specific areas of your facility.

No matter what security measures you take to keep your employees and clients safe, it’s a good idea to cover your bases and go above and beyond when it comes to safety. Remember to monitor your systems and schedule regular maintenance to keep things running smoothly.